This will be just a short post because I'm quite busy with all preparations for my market day. I'm making little bits and bobs now and I don't have many finished pieces to show you, apart of this cute foam donut I've made recently. I know, it looks a bit funny :D It was just a try out to check how the sauce (glaze) and modelling paste will hold on the foam. It's perfectly fine because donut was varnished first and this gave the sauce and fake cream grip. Also the deco is not really interesting as I just wanted add something simple without wasting much just in case it wouldn't work :D The donut is still flexible even with varnish and glaze, propably because they are meant to be flexible (that's what says on the bottles). The part with modelling paste is not flexible because modelling paste dries hard, but I'm not worried about it :)
I gave this donut to my friend and she will test it for me. I always give some things to my friends for free. It's a great advertising and I can check what might go wrong with my fake sweets too :D
Anyway, I'm off to make some more sweet things!
Thank you for stooping by! :)
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