Sunday, 13 February 2011

My Inspirations

Hello everyone!

First I'd like to say thank you all of you who already entered my second giveaway! Your comments made me really happy and gave me so much self belief! :) You are great guys! I will definitely consider all of your advices on what to write about in the future. I want to make more tutorials too, but my problem is that I usually create things randomly and sometimes I can't reproduce certain things or techniques. And I usually improve the ways I make my sweets, so everything is constantly changing. I will still try to post more tutorials here, although it's hard to teach things that someone else already hasn't made tutorial for  :D

First I would like to show you what usually inspires my work. What could it be you may think? Real food! :D What else could it be? To be honest, when I started making clay sweets, I was browsing through Japanese and not only blogs, but after some time I realized that their "food" is actually inspired by real patisserie and desserts. How amazed I was when I saw picture of real macaroon! :D I honestly believed that it was something totally made up by Japanese people! :)

So if you want to create something original and one of the kind, search on Internet for French desserts, patisserie or even sweets or candies :) Even if you will think that they look so real and you will never make anything like that, it might give you ideas on clay creations that no one ever thought before! And you don't have to make them look as realistic as the real ones. Change colours, add pearls and blinkies or anything you like!

I get inspired by real food so much and then I try to make my own little desserts. Recently I have made my new "collection" (hahaha, it sounds so serious :D ) inspired by real desserts and Valentines :) I will show it to you soon, when all of it will dry and I will varnish it. I hope you will like it!

Thank you for stopping by!
And I hope you got inspired! :)

PS None of these pictures belong to me. You will be redirected to original websites by clicking on the photos.


  1. Oh my goodness.
    Those images are exactly why I wanted to become a pastry chef. Then my parents told me it was impractical and told me to study for some economics / business / accounting / whatever degree and take pastry chef-ing classes after I get a steady job and can afford it.

    Nevertheless, I find beautiful photography accompanied by beautiful food to be inspiring as well.

    Oh, I cannot wait for the day I get a super-fancy DSLR and make my way to Paris!

    (thanks for the links btw, lovely websites)

  2. Before I started making sweets jewelry and became interested in lolita fashion I had never even heard of a macaroon.

    I was like "what the hell are these girls talking about?" and of course when I saw some clay ones I had pretty much the same reaction of "WTF is that thing suppose to be?" lol

    There is a french bakery here that makes macaroons. I haven't been yet, but plan to go to eat a real macaroon and find out what the obsession is all about.

    I still have yet to make one from clay either, maybe that will change after I get to experience one for myself.

  3. Haha! I (once again was stupid enough and) thought that you made them and I was wow-ing!

    Well Macarons (I believe Macaroons are something else if I'm not wrong) are very very tasty and one of my favourite but rare treats (They are pretty expensive in Singapore.) :)

  4. Okay... Now I'm hungry for sweets :D
    Thanks for sharing your inspiration ^^

  5. @ Rin:
    My parents were the same. Could you imagine that I have a degree in Marketing and Management? :D I don't rememer anything from my studies! I wanted to do Interior design studies but my mom told me that I wouldn't have any jobs available with that. So I went for financial studies and nowi work in the cafe and make clay sweets! Crazy world!

    Btw what it dslr? :)

    yeah macaroons are weird things. I remember when I showe one made by me from clay to my boyfriend (he's English) and he said that macaroons don't look like that,.I had to proove it to him, by showing him photos on Internet :) He said that English macaroons anre totslly different.

    And they are mega easy to make from air dry clay! It's harder with polymer clay but with air dry it's like heaven! :D

    No worries! Hope I got you inspired, maybe for baking as well? :D

  6. DSLR stands for digital single-lens reflex (camera). They're basically the super fancy expensive cameras that you can buy different lenses for.
    Mostly professional photographers buy them, but amateur photographers use them too.

    Anyway. I want one. *__*
